Monday, November 10, 2014

Day 7

Yes, yesterday I was too dang tired to even copy and paste my 'happy' post. So here it is, a day late....

Day 7/100...

Well.... I dig honesty. And in that light, I have to say that my happiness today was found in my imagination. Each time I could check the eff out of the day and daydream, I would be filled with happy thoughts.... And then the day would proceed and I would look forward to my next imagination sesh. Daydreaming is powerful though... Let's us know what we are asking to be brought into our reality. So here's to tomorrow. Cheers!

This past week has been kind of a bear, which I guess was a really good time to start a Happiness Check. I was surprised how annoyed I would get each evening that I had to find something to be happy about and share it. Ha! It made me question if I really am this happy-go-lucky person I think I am... and then the "encouraging" voice inside my head (not to be confused with the 'asshole' who also chimes in more often than appreciated) reminded me that everyone has rough weeks... and this week is a friggin breeeeeze compared to other weeks (ahem, months) I've lived through over the past year! I needed to quit giving myself such a hard time for, oh I don't know, being human and experiencing emotions.

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