Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Day 2

The Happiness... er, Opportunity.  Well, today it kinda feels like a challenge... I try to keep things pretty easy going on here, ya know, but today included a pretty big disappointment. There's no need for a lot of details. Sometimes those things just get in the way. We've all felt disappointment.... You know, the kind that makes your lips kinda point downwards and you find yourself shaking your head over and over through out the day, sometimes there are tears that well up but you hold them in... taking too many big sighs, trying to just let stuff go... yeah, it was one of those days. I was really thinking something great was gonna take place today and so here it is 30 minutes til midnight with big, fatty disappointment standing in for the 'something great' that was hoped for and I realized, Well crap. I have a 100 days of Happiness to write about and so I better get to it....

So it took me a lot longer tonight to figure out what to share... I had an extremely challenging Kung Fu class today, as well. The most challenging thus far (and that's saying A LOT). My body has felt exhausted and a bit shaky the entire day... but as I sat here and perused over my day, looking for happiness admits disappointment (and I couldn't write about how thankful I am for my friends again, since that was yesterdays happy moment)... I realized that my happiness was found in my overworked, exhausted body. When disappointment looms, and people don't follow through, I am so very thankful for my healthy body and how it showed up for me today. As I stood there with weights grasped in my outstretched arms, in horse stance, for who knows how long, with every muscle in my arms and legs trembling and sweat pouring into my eyes, I felt strong.  With the current feeling of heavy disappointment, it is really great to know that earlier today in a place of pure exhaustion, I felt a deep strength within. And for that I am thankful.

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