Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Number 4

The days are just ticking right along... 4 out of 100.  HA!

So I was laying in yoga class, stretching my kung fu rocked body thinking about what my happy posting would be about tonight... I had come up with a couple different ideas and shifted my thoughts (along with my yoga pose). I was thoroughly hungry (and therefore thoroughly grouchy by then end of yoga class... ironic, I know) and met a friend for dinner (yes, I forewarned about the grouchiness).

Thank goodness the food arrived quickly and the conversation was light and fun. At one moment the word stoic came up in conversation and it was asked, "Is that pronounced like 'stoyik' or stow-ick'?"  And we both agreed it was 'stow-ick'.  I said, "The other way reminds me of a pig noise... stoyik, stoyik" to which he replied, "Yes, indeed. An Icelandic pig; stoyik, stoyik".  I was overcome with full belly laughter and tears sprung to my eyes, my mind's eye filled with the image of an Icelandic pig oinking with an accent. Oh man, I love being filled to the brim with a laugh that comes barreling out in full force and causes the head to tilt back and happiness fills every cell.

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