Wednesday, November 19, 2014

14 and counting...

The past couple days got a bit crazy and although I didn't have time to sit in front of my computer, I was still thinking about the Happiness Challenge...

So we're back on track with day 14/100.

One of my favorite things is having a juicy conversation with someone. A conversation that feels effortless and by the end of it you feel like you've learned so much about the other person and yourself. It's a beautiful thing to watch someone as they figure out how to express themselves. In those moments of silence, you can see the thoughts behind their eyes. You can see their internal conversation by the movement of their eyebrows or slight deviations in their cheeks. "Oh, that was a happy thought... oh, now they are somewhere else, somewhere deep."

There are definitely times when we aren't even sure how we feel about something until we have expressed it out loud for someone else to hear. I know I have had many moments where I will be trying to express myself and once I get in the groove, words flow from me that I have never spoken nor consciously thought before and when I finish my line of thoughts I am amazed to hear what I said.

Listening is such an important part of having a conversation. Majority of people are really good at talking... but becoming a good listener takes a conscious effort. At the end of a juicy conversation where both people are great listeners and both people expressed themselves fully and honestly, there is a beautiful peace and a closeness and sometimes great relief.

I am a sucker for a good round of communication.

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