Monday, November 10, 2014


Day 8/100 at 8:08pm....

Well, today I had quite a few bouts of happiness to pick from (finally!) and as silly as it sounds, now I am finding it challenging to actually put words to any of the moments... let alone, pick one of them to focus and expand upon....

So with that in mind, today I will give a shout out to all the small moments. You know, the one's we often take for granted. A friend's smile, sunshine in the eyes, the excitement of a dog to see you, the laughter of a kid, the coziness of blankets, a great song on the radio, yummy food, a hug, a deep long sigh of relaxation, mom's voice, texts from siblings, advice from friends, resolution in our own thoughts and dreams... so many good moments that equal happiness.

Some days the over riding feeling is happiness... (while others is quite the contrary)... but today seemed to be sprinkled with small but important splashes of happiness and for that, ha, I am happy.

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